
IPL 2010 : Mumbai Indians! Duniya Hilla Denge!

Jan 24, 2009

Sachin and Harbhajan Singh spend a day with NSG Commandos
CNN-IBN AND IBN7 took the initiative and brought two of the country's most loved cricketers, Sachin Tendulkar and Harbhajan Singh face to face with their heroes, the NSG commandoes.
Sachin Tendulkar and Harbhajan Singh spent not just a day at the NSG HQs in Manesar, but in some sense witnessed almost a lifetime of grit, determination and endurance, The two cricketers had a chance to witness and try their hand at the very tough 26 obstacle course that commandoes train on, which includes jumping through heights, climbing heights of, running through large distances etc. They witnessed the Anti Terrorist Conditioning Course, which has commandoes going through artificially simulated, but almost real life terror situations, complete with fire, smoke and live bullets.
The day had its emotional moments as well in plenty. Sachin and Harbhajan had a chance to interact with the commandoes who participated in the Mumbai operation. Sachin in response to a question on who the real heroes were?, said, "Without a doubt its you guys, we just play cricket, you play with your life so that we are secure, I salute and your families because they have an important role in your sacrifice ". Sachin and Harbhajan also had a chance to spend some moments with the wife and children of Late Havaldar Gajendra Singh and the parents of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the two NSG commandoes who lost their lives in the Mumbai siege. The two cricketers made their way through the crowd to meet Sandeep's parents who were also present at the NSG at the same time. Sachin paid his condolences to Sandeep's father and said, "You are a brave man, and your sacrifice supreme". The two cricketers had begun their day by laying a wreath at the memorial for the NSG martyrs.
Later an interaction with more than 500 commandoes threw up a volley of questions from cricket and commandoes to controversy. The crowd was thrilled to see their two icons in similar colours. Sachin and Harbhajan had donned the NSG uniform for the day, complete shoes, nametags and beret. The commandoes had a field day with questions ranging from when Bhajji would get married, to what Sachin would want his son to become? In response to the latter Sachin said, "He had left it to his son to do whatever he wanted, whether it was to become a cricketer or a commando".
The commandoes were keen to know what Sachin thought of the Mumbai operation and their conduct. One of the commandoes who stood up to speak V Sathish was full of emotion, as he had seen his colleague and buddy Gajendra fall to the terrorist's bullets at the Nariman operation. The commandoes who had been eagerly waiting this interactive session managed to get the cricketers to break into a dance. The day as expected, ended with a friendly 4 over match between Sachin XI and Bhajji XI. The teammates were on opposing sides here. But in the end Sachin XI won. The score line: Sachin XI 50 in four overs. Sachin 34 not out, Bhajji XI: 39 in 4 overs. Harbhajan 28


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